Questions for me from MuddyUm
I got tagged. Alan Asnen, you are tagged back.
__1.__What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A: Getting out of the shower, laying my towel down on the bed, picking up a book from my nightstand and laying on that towel to read and not stop until I am one hundred percent dry. All while drinking dark, strong coffee.
__2.__What is your greatest fear?
A: I was paralyzed for years with the fear that I would one day become homeless. I tried fictionalizing my no-home-phobia in a story, but even that was too much. It wasn’t until I got a verbal promise from my mom that I would never, ever live in a box that I could move on.
__3.__What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
A: I freeze when I’m around rude, thoughtless people. Unfortunately, my silence is often taken as acceptance or worse, agreement. Blech.
__4.__What is the trait you most deplore in others?
A: I can’t handle people mired in their own egos. They tend to redirect all conversations back to themselves yet can’t bear to listen to anyone else talk about their lives. Pass.
__5.__Which living person do you most admire?
A: This is going to feel like an attention grab, but I greatly admire Shaunta Grimes here on Medium. She is so bold, she’s mastered self-marketing, she’s tackling the toughest parts of writing all while raising her children. Kudos, Shaunta.
__6.__What is your greatest extravagance?
A: I love to buy a huge jar of almond butter at Costco and imagine all the gluten-free, high-protein brownies I’m going to bake while knowing I’ll just devour the whole shebang one spoonful at a time.
__7.__What is your current state of mind?
A: Highly stressed. My partner and I are trying to plan our wedding while dwelling in a deep pit of poverty. The worst part about being poor is there never seems to be a way out. Education hasn’t helped, job changes have blown up in our faces, it’s endless.
__8.__What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
A: I’ve always overrated the importance of someone being funny. It took several decades for me to figure out that a person who needs constant laughter isn’t necessarily a healthy, happy person. It wasn’t until I found myself only saying bizarre, funny things as opposed to an actual conversation that I realized non-stop humor can be a way of keeping others at a distance.
__9.__On what occasion do you lie?
A: I cannot lie. That’s not a brag, it’s a confession. I SUCK at twisting the truth, bald-faced lies, little white lies, all of it. This has been a massive hindrance in life. People do not like honesty!
__10.__What do you most dislike about your appearance?
A: I hate to say this but it’s true; I don’t like my weight. A few years ago I was in amazing shape. I had tons of motivation to work out, I had an active job and I roller-skated four days a week. My life has changed a lot and I’ve stored all those evolutions around my waist. I’m working on portion control and self-care, but it turns out slimming down happens at a snail’s pace.
Thanks to Alan Asnen for tagging me in his quicky questionnaire. This was fun!
Please follow me here on Medium and check out my stuff on my personal page or on my new publication, Way Down in Mexico. I love to write feature stories, write about what I’m learning and cultural differences. If you want to answer these questions yourself, please tag me!